Market Better

Target better markets. Set stronger goals. Boost our vendor communities.

What is the Market Better project?

We're retail vendors. We sell at vendor markets and pop-up events all the time. What's the one question that we always ask?

How did we do? 

We're consistently analyzing our own results and trying to determine what went right and where we can improve. This can be really difficult, though, when all you have are your own results! How do you know if you had an off day or if the event itself was not quite right for you? Did you leave money on the table? Are you selling yourself short and setting goals too low? Is your pricing on point?

These are all questions that we're seeking to answer through the Market Better project. 

We're on a mission to reduce the stigma around talking about results and bring vendors, online sellers and event organizers together to build community, set stronger goals and boost the overall vendor and event space.

We need your help!

This project won't work without you - the vendor community! Our ask is simple - less than 15 minutes of your time up front and then 5 minutes after any event you participate in. It's that easy! In exchange, you'll get priceless information to help you find new events, set strong goals for your business and see how you stack up in the market. Here's how it works.

Tell us about you

Fill out our vendor profile to give us basic information about your business.
(Time: <15 Minutes)

Click here to create your vendor profile!

Share your results

Come back after any vendor event and share your results and feedback.
(Time: About 5 Minutes) 

Click here to add results!

Get information

We'll provide updates as the community grows! Once we hit 100 vendors, you'll receive a free report on the results collected so far, including customized recommendations.

Privacy comes first

You're information will always be anonymous to other vendors or event organizers. We won't sell your information. We won't share you're participation without express written permission.

 Ready to do this? Click here to create your vendor profile today!

What's the catch? What's next for the project?

There is no catch! Today, your participation is completely free. We're working on building the database and testing the project. Long term, our goal is to develop a web-based application that will put the information in your hands - a place where you can search for events, see average results, share feedback and more. To do that, though, we need a foundation of beta users first.


 Contact Sara and Bryan to get more information on the project at